Last week on Matthew's 6month birthday we tried rice cereal. This week we decided to try some carrots. I think he enjoyed the carrots a whole lot more than the rice cereal. He ate them all up and probably would have eaten more if I had them ready. We also tried a drinking from a cup today too! He didn't do too bad. I'm not sure he drank a whole lot, but he was holding the cup really well and had a good time exploring it. :)
Also, this last week we also had Matthew's 6 month checkup and the doctor said he's growing perfectly! I was pleased when I heard that. It confirmed my assessment. I too think he's perfect. :) He's still in the 25-35% range. He's now 26 inches and just over 15lbs. Many people still think he's little, but he's nearly tripled his weight in 6 months. I'd say that's not too shabby! I apologize for the gazillion pictures, but I like to show him off. I'm a just a little proud to be his Mommy!
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