Monday, April 21, 2008

Ultra Sound Pictures

Ok so I was finally able to scan Matthew's ultrasound pictures and share them with you! Hope you enjoy!

October 31, 2007

Matthew's very first picture and the first time I laid eyes on him!

January 8, 2008

Our 20 week appointment and when we found out what he was!

It's a BOY!!!

January 17, 2008

He was stubborn at the Jan 8 appointment and wouldn't let them get a very good look at his heart so we had to go back again on the 17th.

March 28, 2008

Matthew's Profile...finally a good head shot!

Because my belly didn't appear to be very big the doctor wanted to make sure he was growing. And he was! He weighed 3lbs 5oz and was in the 45th percentile.

Now only about 6 weeks to go until we get to see some pictures that aren't black and white! ;)

I can't wait to meet my little monkey!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Baby Shower

On Saturday March 29, 2008 my wonderful friends threw me a baby shower. There was a great turnout of wonderful people who all wanted to help celebrate the life of little Matthew Paul. As you can see, Matthew is already spoiled rotten! We recieved a ton of wonderful gifts and are extremely blessed to have so many people that love and care for us!

Monday, April 7, 2008

It's true....

.....I am expecting a beautiful baby boy on May 30, 2008. I can't believe how quickly the time is approaching. The last several months have been very scary and exciting all at the same time! Planning for this little bundle of joy can be quite exhausting, not to mention growing him inside of me at the same time!

Before he get's here though I thought I'd be a good mommy and try and get a page started to keep everyone updated on little Matthew Paul when he arrives or as I like to call him My Little Hunky Monkey! :)