If I remember correctly, the snow started last Saturday and it's still sticking around. Today we finally decided to go out and play in it. Matthew seemed to enjoy it for the most part, although we didn't stay out in it too long as it was a bit cold out and I didn't want him catching anything. We had to get some cute pictures for the scrapbook though. It's Matthew's first time seeing snow afterall! :)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Snow Days!
If I remember correctly, the snow started last Saturday and it's still sticking around. Today we finally decided to go out and play in it. Matthew seemed to enjoy it for the most part, although we didn't stay out in it too long as it was a bit cold out and I didn't want him catching anything. We had to get some cute pictures for the scrapbook though. It's Matthew's first time seeing snow afterall! :)
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Santa Pictures
Saturday, November 29, 2008
6 month pictures

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Last week on Matthew's 6month birthday we tried rice cereal. This week we decided to try some carrots. I think he enjoyed the carrots a whole lot more than the rice cereal. He ate them all up and probably would have eaten more if I had them ready. We also tried a drinking from a cup today too! He didn't do too bad. I'm not sure he drank a whole lot, but he was holding the cup really well and had a good time exploring it. :)
Also, this last week we also had Matthew's 6 month checkup and the doctor said he's growing perfectly! I was pleased when I heard that. It confirmed my assessment. I too think he's perfect. :) He's still in the 25-35% range. He's now 26 inches and just over 15lbs. Many people still think he's little, but he's nearly tripled his weight in 6 months. I'd say that's not too shabby! I apologize for the gazillion pictures, but I like to show him off. I'm a just a little proud to be his Mommy!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Matthew is 6 months already!!!!
November 15th, 2008 Matthew Paul turned 6 months old. It was a big day for him. We had a monkey themed birthday breakfast which included delicious monkey bread. Matthew didn't get to enjoy it though. But he did get to eat some rice cereal for the very first time. I can't believe my baby is 6 months old already. He is growing SO fast. He's already cutting teeth and scooting around. He's getting quite the personality too. I've been SO incredibly lucky! He's a very good boy with a delightful temperament. The only thing that I think he could improve upon is sleeping longer during the night. :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My Monkey

Ok so for "Halloween" Matthew was a monkey, of course! Technically though we didn't do anything on Halloween because I was exhausted from work and it wasn't the most ideal weather outside. Not to mention the fact that he can't quite walk yet or even eat the candy nor would he remember if we went or not!
But, it was his first Halloween so we HAD to have a costume and to make use of it and get some super cute pictures my friend Patricia and I took him to the pumpkin patch and tortured him with the camera. We grabbed a wheelbarrow and a plump pumpkin and plopped him and the pumpkin in it and started snapping photos. For the most part he cooperated but by the end of it he was a little cranky and ended up falling asleep while Patricia and I indulged our taste buds with some delicious roasted corn! :)
All in all I'd say it was a success! I was pretty pleased with the pictures and think they'll make a great scrapbook page if I ever get around to making that happen. :)
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
....apparently I'm not as good as I'd like to be at keeping up on this! Matthew Paul will be 5 months old tomorrow! My oh my how the time has flown by! He's growing so much so fast! He laughs outloud now and talks up a storm! He's about 14lbs and 24 1/4 inches (well at least he was a month ago) He's growing like a weed! And I love him more and more with each passing day! Everytime I see his adorable little smiling face my heart melts!

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