Ok, so it has been brought to my attention that I CLEARLY have been slacking on updating this so I'm going to try and do a quick recap and post some of the highlights from the last oh, how long has it been 5, 6 months! Sheesh, I really have been slacking haven't I?!?!

but...I'm not ready to get out yet!

I'm ready to eat! Where's my food?

He loves checking himself out in the mirror!

One of his favorite toys because he's now figured out how to pull himself up to stand

This is what happens when you leave them plugged in too long! :)

Not quite sure what to do with the book yet...

...still trying to figure it out...

...yay! And he finally gets it! :)

My brother came to visit and we took a trip to Seattle.

Watching the game....

....the next day out to breakfast and wondering what the heck was up with that play?? Darn Seahawks!

Mommy's little snowbunny!

Teaching him how to make snow angels

new toys that he got for Christmas

practicing his new crawling skills on Christmas morning

Happy boy! Sooo CUTE!!!

So in December Matthew started crawling pretty well and pulling himself up on the furniture, it was the beginning of the end for me! :) My life has never been the same since! As you can see he really started to enjoy bathtime and still does. He also was able to start exploring new foods to eat, and let me tell you, this kid can eat. I'm still trying to figure out where he puts it all. We had a great Christmas and had fun ringing in the New Year!