Friday, May 22, 2009


Ok, so it has been brought to my attention that I CLEARLY have been slacking on updating this so I'm going to try and do a quick recap and post some of the highlights from the last oh, how long has it been 5, 6 months! Sheesh, I really have been slacking haven't I?!?!

but...I'm not ready to get out yet!

I'm ready to eat! Where's my food?

He loves checking himself out in the mirror!

One of his favorite toys because he's now figured out how to pull himself up to stand

This is what happens when you leave them plugged in too long! :)

Not quite sure what to do with the book yet...

...still trying to figure it out...

...yay! And he finally gets it! :)

My brother came to visit and we took a trip to Seattle.

Watching the game....

....the next day out to breakfast and wondering what the heck was up with that play?? Darn Seahawks!

Mommy's little snowbunny!

Teaching him how to make snow angels

new toys that he got for Christmas

practicing his new crawling skills on Christmas morning

Happy boy! Sooo CUTE!!!

So in December Matthew started crawling pretty well and pulling himself up on the furniture, it was the beginning of the end for me! :) My life has never been the same since! As you can see he really started to enjoy bathtime and still does. He also was able to start exploring new foods to eat, and let me tell you, this kid can eat. I'm still trying to figure out where he puts it all. We had a great Christmas and had fun ringing in the New Year!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow Days!

If I remember correctly, the snow started last Saturday and it's still sticking around. Today we finally decided to go out and play in it. Matthew seemed to enjoy it for the most part, although we didn't stay out in it too long as it was a bit cold out and I didn't want him catching anything. We had to get some cute pictures for the scrapbook though. It's Matthew's first time seeing snow afterall! :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Santa Pictures

Matthew got to meet Santa for the first time. Santa loved him! I almost had trouble getting him back from Santa. :)

Matthew seemed to take a liking to Santa as well. He was in awe of his beard. Don't worry, he was a good boy though and didn't pull on it. :)

Saturday, November 29, 2008

6 month pictures

So I wanted to take Matthew to have his 6 month pictures taken professionaly but it's been difficult finding time in our busy schedule, between feedings and naps, that we just haven't made it. So this is what we ended up with. We had an impromptu photo session ThanksgEVEing and Thanksgiving. I had him all dressed up ready to go visit family for the holiday and just had to take his picture. And this was the result. I thought we ended up getting some really good ones too! He has such a great smile, and he sure does love his monkey! :) Can't believe he's been blessing my life for over 6 months now. I think I'm the luckiest Mamma in the world! :)

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Last week on Matthew's 6month birthday we tried rice cereal. This week we decided to try some carrots. I think he enjoyed the carrots a whole lot more than the rice cereal. He ate them all up and probably would have eaten more if I had them ready. We also tried a drinking from a cup today too! He didn't do too bad. I'm not sure he drank a whole lot, but he was holding the cup really well and had a good time exploring it. :)

Also, this last week we also had Matthew's 6 month checkup and the doctor said he's growing perfectly! I was pleased when I heard that. It confirmed my assessment. I too think he's perfect. :) He's still in the 25-35% range. He's now 26 inches and just over 15lbs. Many people still think he's little, but he's nearly tripled his weight in 6 months. I'd say that's not too shabby! I apologize for the gazillion pictures, but I like to show him off. I'm a just a little proud to be his Mommy!